Monday, August 10, 2009


Are you in suspense?

No doubt you know which path I decided to take?

It isn't too hard to guess. If there is one thing I can say about God's love is that it truly never gives up. God didn't give up on me, He kept pursuing me, kept opening doors for me.

The next door He opened was a door to a new School. I took the giant leap from Primary School to Highschool and landed right smack in the middle of a Christian environment.

Not only was it a Christian environment but the first friend I made was also decidedly a Christian. Her name was Amie and became best of friends instantly. You know them, those two annoying girls in Highschool who spend every spare second together during the day at school and the rest of the night on the phone coordinating their outfits and talking about boys? That was Amie and I for a good couple years.

Amie and I were a bit unique though. We loved each other but we had both had a real academic and competive streak. We even counted the number of pages we read in books as a competition. By the end of the year I had read an impressive 36, 000 pages, but Amie on the other hand had read an impressive 100, 000. Call us crazy, but we liked to read a lot of books.

But to get back to the story. I realised almost instantly just what God was doing. In changing schools, God took away all the distractions and all the peer pressure that led me down the paths that took me away from Him. Instead I found myself in an environment where I was ready to fully embrace God.

You know something, perfect Love is completely irresistable. When it finds you theres not much you can do but simply say yes God. There is nothing else that you want to do.

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